
Here we group several kinds trees under the heading of "cedar".

Incense Cedar (Calocedrus decurrans)

The incense cedar is native to the western United States. If you have ever noticed a nice aroma from a fresh pencil, it is probably the wood of the incense cedar you are smelling. The leaves are bit too sharp for jewelry. But the lovely cone makes for a nice necklace indeed.

Energetic Quality: Purification

Port Orford Cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)

Also known as Lawson's cypress, this tree has a very limited native range. It was heavily logged and is further threatened in the wild, seriously so, by an introduced disease, the Port Orford cedar root rot. The print we added to our collection is rather long but remarkably light for a solid silver item.

Energetic Quality: Grace

Arborvitae (Thuja sp.)

From the cypress family, arborvitae are also called cedar, or thuja. They are extremely popular ornamental trees and often shaped into hedges.

Energetic quality: Confidence

Leyland Cypress

Barely 150 years old the Leyland cypress is a recent hybrid between the Nootka cypress and Monterey Cypress. The resulting symmetry of the leaves is quite striking.

Energetic quality: Balance during change


Cedar (Cypress?) leaf "Fractal" earrings

Cedar leaf "Fan" earrings (species?)

Entire Cedar Set